Purific is a values based company, and each core value guides us in how to act, and how we deal with colleagues and clients alike. Our core values look a little further than the fundamentals such as integrity, which we view as permission to play, and helps form positive behaviors that permeate throughout the whole team.
We look at ourselves as a 30 year old startup. 30 years of proven performance in producing lab grade water purification systems, but the youthful energy of a company on an exciting journey to build the most compact, reliable, and easy to use, ultra pure water purification system available to laboratories.
Nimble – We move fast to get results.
We are competitive, fast, and love a good challenge. We love change and embrace better ways to do things.
Reliable – People, products, and service.
We can be counted on to do what we say. Our products must stand the test of time and our service must be impeccable – Always.
Work – We value work, an incessant desire to generate results for the pure joy of getting stuff done. How else are we going to build the best lab water system available to Australian laboratorys?
We’re not afraid to make a call, to take on a huge task, or to celebrate. We are a high-performance team, and we want to WIN! We own our mistakes, and we learn from them, and have a little fun along the way.
Genuine Care – We do what is best for the customer.
We care about our customers and each other. Look after the customer and they will look after us. We invest in training, safety, and good health. We use edge and good judgement to make decisions.
Living with integrity – We demand the best of each other, we are humble but radically candid.
We say it as it is, and don’t take things personally. Integrity builds trust, trust builds speed, and speed WINS. We are humble and emphasis team over self.
Broad Viewed – We are problem solvers, we look at the big picture, and the best idea wins.
We look at more than just right now, right here. Thinking big enables us to solve problems and build for the future. We care about how our role affects our colleagues.
If your personal values align with ours please reach out, we’re always on the lookout for passionate individuals who want to be part of a winning team, whether you’re a business development manager or a design engineer, we would love to hear from you. Just send us an email and we will be in touch. (info@purific.com)